Contact Us
First Baptist Church of Coos Bay is holding regular worship services and classes. Sunday School begins at 9:00, the worship service begins at 10:00.
The calendar on the Home page shows regular activities of the church.
Church Office - 541-267-2439
Pastor James Alexander
Admin. Assistant
Ken Stiennon
Office Hours
Tues. - Thur. 11:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Pastor James Alexander 541-751-5460
Eric Ahlgrim 541-756-4747
Randy Hoffine 541-260-2651
Ted Noble 541-435-4181
Howard Kubli 541-269-1393
Board of Directors
Moderator - Eric Ahlgrim 541-756-4747
Vice Moderator - Fran Worthen 541-269-1024
Christian Ed. - Howard & Bonnie Kubli 541-269-1393
Evangelism - Thomas Sterrett 541-294-7498
Finance - Peggy Ahlgrim 541-756-4747
Membership - Penny Noble 541-435-4181
Missions - Ken Stiennon 541-260-2880
Trustee - James Batdorff 541-294-4880
Worship - Ted Noble 541-435-4181
Board meetings held Sunday following Trustee meeting at 5:00 p.m.
Pastoral Relations - Susie Main, Chair 541-267-4721
We'd love to hear from you
First Baptist Church of Coos Bay
1140 S 10th St.
P.O. Box 38
Coos Bay, Oregon